Adult social care new and upcoming procurement opportunities
Barnet Council uses an eSourcing Portal available at
Suppliers are encouraged to sign up by registering and find out about current and forthcoming procurement opportunities. The eSourcing Portal also contains details of all past and current sourcing activities.
You will find information such as prior information notices, market engagement event adverts, and tender opportunities for council services. On registering, you can tailor your interests in order to receive auto-notifications when the Council is procuring services relevant to what you can deliver.
We will open our Approved Provider List for accommodation and support annually and will be considering new models of accommodation and support that promote recovery and progression led enablement.
We will re-open our Approved Provider Lists annually to provide opportunities for innovation and new ideas.
If you would like further information on the procurement process please contact:
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The London Borough of Barnet are pleased to confirm the successful re-procurement of Accommodation and Support Services (Lots 1-7), which will be delivered by a list of approved providers (APL). The new contracts are to commence from 1st April 2022 with a view that the current Accommodation and Support Services contracts will end on 31st March 2022. Currently there are a hundred and ten providers across the seven Lots. We have the option to re-open the APL annually during the lifetime of the contract in line with procurement processes.
The Accommodation and Support Services contracts aim to support people with health and social care needs to maintain and maximise their health, wellbeing and independence.
The services are comprised of the following lots:
Lot 1
Hoarding Assertive Outreach service
The service aims to help individuals remove clutter and reduce the risk of harm due to poor sanitation or inhabitable living environments.
Lot 2
Neighbourhood Networks
To enable people living in a particular area (neighbourhood) to develop skills to live independently, build natural community support and social networks to support each other
Lot 3
Supported Living – Low / Medium / High needs
Supported Living offer that includes accommodation, care and support for people with disabilities, including learning disabilities and mental health conditions.
Lot 4
Supported living – Young Adults transition
This service is to provide accommodation, care and support for young people with health and social care needs.
Lot 5
Supported Living - Specialist mental health step down support
Accommodation and high-level support following discharge from Secondary Mental Health Services. The service is to be time limited, supporting individuals to successfully move to more independent living.
Lot 6
Supported Living for people with complex disabilities and health needs
Supported living for people with complex disabilities and health needs, and targeted support for those with mental ill health, that provides a well-coordinated combination of social care and clinical support to maintain good and positive health as well as independence.
Lot 7
A Crash Pad for people with learning disabilities and / or autism and / or Mental Health needs
Care and support for people with learning disabilities, autism or mental health needs who require emergency respite.