
Adult social care commissioning priorities

Our strategic priorities are drawn from local and national policy drivers and commitments that we have made through our work with residents and partners. They remain our key priorities and will be delivered through our current provision and services, and by addressing any gaps in current provision.

Gaps in service provision or development we want to see are found in Section 3: Service Needs.

Local strategies and plans to note:

Our priorities include:

  • Engagement and Co-Production - Working in partnership with residents in the development, design and shaping of services.
  • Stay relevant, responsive, and ambitious – Create services that can support people with a range of needs, for example, accommodating older people with a learning disability, ensuring accessible services for people with physical and sensory impairments, and those who are neurodiverse.
  • Seek out technological innovation – Develop innovative, responsive and cutting-edge technology-enabled care services to secure positive outcomes for all residents and their families/carers, enabling them to live as independently as possible
  • Progression – Build new services and models which will support people with their recovery, enablement, and progression. These will be in the borough so that connections to family and friends, local communities and networks which bring wider benefits are strong. 
  • Prevention – Maintain and cultivate a strong and robust preventative approach which promotes and maximises independence and wellbeing and makes full use of universal and community-based services
  • Workforce – Focus on improving the quality and stability of the care workforce. This includes:
    • ensuring good conditions and support for the social care workforce at all levels
    • ensuring that there is strong clinical and professional leadership
    • implementing policies which promote person-centred care
    • applying a whole family approach to services
    • supporting best practice in end-of-life care, safeguarding and mental capacity
  • Employment and training – Ensure specialist services are meeting the needs of all disabled people, including those with mental ill health, learning disabilities and autistic people to achieve and progress to employment and training, greater independence and that these services are working together for greater impact
  • Day opportunities – Develop a range of innovative day opportunities and services that increase independence, develop skills, facilitate relationship building and improve access to the community
  • Carers – Develop our support offer further for carers, including supporting them to access support that works for them, including access to training, support groups, opportunities to take a break from caring and improve their health and wellbeing.  We want to continue helping carers and the people they care for to continue living in their own homes and enjoying the wide range of provision available in the community
  • People with complex needs – Maintain and improve existing good work to develop specialist and bespoke accommodation and support services, so that people can move from hospitals and residential services back to Barnet, working with the market on new models of cost effective, sustainable services
  • Work in partnership with the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector to develop services that are accessible to our local communities and responsive to local need.