Grants to voluntary and community organisations
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About the grant
The Community Grant is accepting applications on a rolling basis, however the next closing date is:
- 31 January 2025
Applicants will hear within eight weeks of the closing date.
For enquiries and further information please contact
Start up and one-off grants
The 2024/25 Community Grants Programme offers grants of up to £10,000 to help:
- set up a new project or activity in Barnet in response to identified needs where a proposal complements one or more of the council’s priorities
Grants are for a maximum of 1 year and may contribute towards capital and revenue costs.
One-off Grants
These are usually for specific purchases, one off projects or other one-off items of expenditure and are restricted to a maximum of £5,000.
Applicants must show how a proposal aims to achieve at least one of these criteria:
- support people to be independent and lead active lives, especially older people and people with disabilities and complex needs
- strengthen individuals’ and families’ resilience in challenging times
- improve the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of children and young people. To help them develop skills and acquire knowledge to lead successful adult lives. Especially those with special educational needs and disabilities, and young people aged 16 to 24 who are not in education, employment or training
- promote health and health outcomes, including amongst working age adults with mental health needs
- support people in changing behaviour (such as to become more physically active)
- help people into work, training or apprenticeships
- help ensure that Barnet remains a safe and healthy place to live, work or study
- reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
- reduce inequalities
- build diverse and active communities and promote community cohesion
- protect and enhance the natural environment, including the use of green spaces to promote health and wellbeing
- promote recycling and waste minimization
- ensure that town centres are vibrant places where business can thrive
Proposals will be favourably enhanced if they demonstrate:
- maximum value for money (clear outcomes for customers; high quality, flexible and responsive services)
- that services are designed around evidence of focal need and the preferences of potential users
- that services complement but do not overlap with existing or planned public sector provision
- that services can be tailored to the needs of individuals
- ease of access
- that they link with public sector and other third parties service and / or work in partnership with other organisations
- a focus on prevention
- a commitment to sharing data with the public sector to facilitate insight into the needs of residents
- that potential service users are involved in the design / and or running of services
How to apply
To discuss a proposal email