
Online BICS Family Minds Workshops for Parents and Carers

Each workshop is aimed towards parents and carers of young people between the ages of 4 – 17.

Our mental health educational workshops aim to build knowledge and skills to help us manage common difficulties faced by children and young people.

These workshops are facilitated by BICS practitioners and are free to sign up via Eventbrite.

Our Family Minds workshops run throughout the year.

Upcoming online workshops

Family Minds: Understand Low Mood and Self-Esteem Workshop 

This workshop aims to increase your knowledge on Low Mood and Self-Esteem and provide you with some skills and strategies to assist your young person in coping with their Low Mood and Self-Esteem.

Next date: Wednesday 12 February 2025

Registration via Eventbrite


Family Minds: Understanding and Managing Anxiety Workshop

This two-part series of virtual mental health workshops aims to increase your knowledge on anxiety and provide you with some skills and strategies to assist your young person in coping with their anxiety.

Part 1: will focus on: what anxiety is, how anxiety can develop, and what maintains anxiety.

Part 2:  will build upon this, specifically looking at: understanding anxious thoughts and behaviours, strategies to challenge anxious thoughts and behaviours, signposting and helpful other resources.

Next dates: Wednesday 5 March between 12noon - 1:30pm and Wednesday12 March between 12noon - 1:30pm

Registration via Eventbrite

Family Minds: Supporting your Child to Manage Difficult Emotions

This workshop aims to increase your knowledge on supporting your child managing difficult emotions and provide you with some skills and strategies to assist your young person in coping with their difficult emotions.

Next dates: Wednesday 2 April 2025, 12noon to 1:30pm

Registration via Eventbrite