Report a noise problem
We investigate noise that could be a ‘statutory nuisance’. This means a level and frequency of noise that affects the enjoyment of a home or other premises.
Whether a noise is considered a nuisance could depend on what time of day it happens.
For example: music that is not a nuisance during the day could be a nuisance at night if it prevented someone sleeping.
Find out more about statutory nuisance at Gov UK
Barnet Homes residents should report noise problems to Barnet Homes.
What we can deal with
Things we can investigate include:
- building work (construction sites and home improvements)
- loud music or TV
- dogs barking loudly late at night
- burglar alarms or fire alarms that are ringing for no reason or not being responded to
What we cannot deal with
Household noises we cannot investigate include:
- noise from appliances like washing machines, vacuum cleaners or kitchen appliances
- doors or cupboards slamming or moving furniture
- children playing (including playgrounds)
- babies crying
Street noises we cannot investigate include:
- sirens from emergency services vehicles
- roadworks and maintenance
- traffic noises
Report suspected domestic abuse to the Metropolitan Police online or by calling 101.
Report anti-social behaviour (including fights) to the Metropolitan Police online or by calling 101.
Before you make a complaint
Sometimes people are not aware they are causing a noise nuisance. Many noise issues can be resolved by speaking to the person causing the noise.
If the problem happens a lot, please keep a record of when the noise happens and how it affects you.
After you've made a complaint
How the Noise and Nuisance Team respond to noise complaints depends on:
- the type of problem
- what time it happens
- if it has happened before
We usually try to speak to the person causing the problem in person or by letter. In the majority of cases, this works and the problem doesn't happen again.
In most cases, one of our noise officers will call or email you to talk about the problem.
How to report a noise complaint
When you make a report, we will ask you for:
- your name, address and phone number - these will not be shared with the person making the noise
- a description of the noise
- the address causing the noise
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Report a noise nuisance by phone
Monday to Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm: call 020 8359 7995
Our 'out-of-hours' phone number is 020 8359 4605 and is available:
- Friday 8pm - Saturday 2.30am
- Saturday 7.30pm - Sunday 2am