Empty homes
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Report an empty property in Barnet
Reports can also be made by calling 020 8359 5420.
Empty property grants
Empty Property Grants of up to £25,500 are currently available to help owners bring long term empty properties back into residential use through either renovation or conversion. A grant is also available to assist with the development of new properties.
The Council is keen to ensure that empty properties are occupied as soon as possible. Refurbishing and repairing empty properties help to improve the look and feel of a neighbourhood and helps avoid incidents of fly tipping, vandalism and arson. It also helps to reduce the housing shortage in the borough.
Empty Property Grants are available to landlords and key workers purchasing empty properties to help bring them back into residential use. Grants are also available for owners of empty properties who are in care and unable to return due to poor condition of their home.
The availability of grants is subject to funding being available.
Benefits of an empty property grant
- Funding of up to £25,500 is available for landlords (depending upon the size and condition of the property)
- The Let2Barnet Team will manage the property for you and you will receive guaranteed monthly rental income even if it is temporarily empty or the tenant fails to pay their rent
- An Empty Property Agency Service is available to help you complete work to your property
- The Council can provide details of trusted and competent builders
- VAT reductions on building work may be available
- Funding of up to £20,000 is available to owner occupiers returning from care and to Key Workers
For more information please email empty.properties@barnet.gov.uk or call 020 8359 5420.
Empty property grants for owner occupiers
A grant of up to £20,000 (depending upon the size and condition of the property) is available for owners or key workers.
The grant is available for owners of empty properties who are in care and are unable to return to their property due to the poor condition of their home. If your property has been empty for more than 6 months, we may be able to offer you a grant as an incentive to carry out repairs to make the property suitable for habitation. The £20,000 grant is also available to key workers. All grant schemes are subject to conditions.
For more information please email empty.properties@barnet.gov.uk or call 020 8359 5420.
Works covered by the grant
Detailed below are examples of the type of work that may be covered:
- repairing or renewing windows, doors, roofs or other major elements of the property
- damp proofing the property
- resolving structural instability
- provision of heating/hot water
- updating bathrooms and kitchens
- electrical rewiring
How can we help you to renovate your property
The Council runs an Empty Property Agency Service to assist property owners in renovating their properties. For a fee, which can be paid included in the grant, we can help you to organise conversions and repair works to your home without the headache of arranging plans and overseeing building works yourself.
How to claim the reduced rate of VAT
Where appropriate we can provide you with evidence to claim the reduced rate (5%) of VAT on any building work you undertake.
I'm struggling to find a suitable builder
The Council can provide you details of builders who we have used in the past and are happy with their standard of work.
Dealing with unwanted household items in your empty property
The council's community skip service is available to get rid of up to 3 large unwanted household items every 3 months for free.
What if I am not happy with the service
If you are not satisfied with the service provided by the Private Sector Housing Team and would like to make a complaint you should contact Team Manager, Paul Maguire on 020 8359 7430 or email paul.maguire@barnet.gov.uk
Find out who owns an empty property
The details of property ownership are generally available through the Land Registry Service.
Even in cases where the details are known to us, we are legally unable to provide these to you. However, if you are interested in making an offer on a property we may be able to pass on your details to the owner.