
Edgware, Mill Hill and Burnt Oak Population

The population statistics for Edgware are consistent, but only include the area of the old parish of Edgware. The area called the Hale is popularly associated with Edgware, but those statistics were included within those of Mill Hill for at least a century. Before the late 1920s Burnt Oak's population was so small that it was included with those of the Hyde in Hendon.

Population of Edgware Parish

1801 = 412
1811 = 543
1821 = 551
1831 = 591
1841 = 659
1851 = 765
1861 = 705
1871 = 655
1881 = 816
1891 = 864
1901 = 868
1911 = 1,233
1921 = 1,516
1931 = 5,352
1951 = 17,513
1961 = 20,127

Population of the ecclesiastical district of Mill Hill

1871 = 1,333
1881 = 1,667
1891 = 1,439
1901 = 2,644
1911 = 4,414
1921 = 6,093
1931 = 12,009
1941 = 26,524 (estimated)
1951 = 24,866
1961 = 25,087

Burnt Oak

1921 = 1,016 (believed to be)
1931 = 21,545
1951 = 18,615
1961 = 15,937