Special treatments
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Changes to the Special Treatment Licence
We will be updating the Special Treatment documentation in the coming weeks.
Please check back for more information.
Who can apply
Special treatments include:
- massage
- manicure
- acupuncture
- tattooing
- cosmetic piercing
- light treatments (sunbeds)
- electric treatments (electrolysis)
- other special treatments (laser/IPL, semi-permanent skin colouring, vapour, sauna or other bath treatments)
If you run an establishment for special treatments from either a commercial unit or a residential address, you may require a licence for your premises.
If you have any intention of carrying out any form of business involving the treatment of customers please contact us to discuss the requirements which you need to meet.
London Local Authorities Act 1991
We are the Licensing Authority under the provisions of the London Local Authorities Act 1991 and responsible for the administration and enforcement of Special Treatment Licences under the Act.
The council uses its powers under the Act to:
- grant licences to people who are fit and proper to hold them
- ensure only suitably qualified people, using safe equipment, provide special treatments
- ensure nuisance is not caused by the provision of special treatment
- ensure licensed premises are safe, structurally suitable
- ensure licensed premises are adequately clean, lit, heated and ventilated
In publishing this Policy we will be setting out how we will approach our licensing of special treatments in the interests of clarity and transparency.
How to apply for a Special Treatments licence
We are required to give notice of your application to the local police.
We must also send a copy of the application to the London Fire Authority and the Council’s Planning Department.
You will also be required to display a copy of a Notice of Intention to offer treatments in the window of the premises, this will be provided with your application pack.
Special treatment guidance notes
How to apply for a special treatments licence
2025 banded application fee list
Tell us about a change to your existing Special Treatments licence
Notify us of a change to your special treatments licence
If your Special Treatments licence application is rejected
If you wish to appeal against a decision of the local authority you can contact the local magistrates' court.
Appeals must be made within 21 days of the date you receive the notification of the decision.
Magistrates' court decisions can be appealed to the Crown Court.
Regulations and conditions
The council will attach conditions to the licence, will inspect the licensed premises and may refuse a licence if the conditions at the premises are unsatisfactory or if the terms of the licence are not being complied with. There is a minimum statutory consultation period of four weeks before a licence can be issued.
See our regulations and conditions
Your application may be refused for one of the following reasons:
- the premises are not suitable, if it does not have safe heating, satisfactory lighting, sanitation, ventilation and does not have adequate fire precautions including fire fighting equipment and fire escapes
- there is a likelihood of nuisance being caused in the area
- the person who will manage the premises is not fit and proper
- the people giving the treatments are not suitably qualified
- the safety of equipment is not satisfactory
- there is question as to the safety of the treatment being given
- you have been convicted of particular offences
- you fail to comply with any legal requirements
Members of certain professional bodies (PDF 242KB) are exempt from licensing in certain cases.
You can also apply for exemption on behalf of your organisation
Licensing Team
2 Bristol Avenue
Tel: 020 8359 7443
Email: specialtreatments@barnet.gov.uk