Report abuse
What to do if you or someone you know feels unsafe or is at risk.
Download our Say No to Abuse booklet
Adults Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
The Adults MASH has been established to improve the safeguarding of adults who may be at risk of abuse, harm or neglect.
How to keep safe online
Using the internet and social media safely, the latest scams, online bullying and coercion, identity theft, safe shopping online.
Fire safety
Get a free home fire safety visit. The London Fire Brigade will come to your home to give you advice on reducing the risk of fire.
Safe places in Barnet
If you are a disabled person and are lost, distressed or a victim of hate crime, then you can find a list of places that are safe and provide sanctuary in Barnet
Safeguarding Adults Board
The Safeguarding Adults Board is a multi-agency board which has been established to improve safeguarding (protection) practices for adults at risk of abuse in Barnet.
Report a concern if you are worried about an adult who lacks capacity to consent to care, treatment and accommodation when they are in a care home or hospital.
Contact the DoLS team 020 8359 7497, Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm or email
List of useful/emergency numbers
Police Non-emergency 101 Emergency 999
Social Care Direct (Barnet Council) 020 8359 5000
Debtline 0808 808 4000
Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111
Action Fraud 0300 123 2040
Silverline 0800 470 8090
Samaritans 116 123
Gas 0800 111 999
Electricity 0800 028 0247
Water 0800 316 9800