
Money and legal matters

Seek help from Citizen Advice Barnet

If you need help with money matters, you can call, email or drop in to Citizens Advice Barnet. They can assess your situation and help you decide what to do next. 

Older male smiling

Claiming benefits

You may be entitled to a range of benefits and exemptions, according to your circumstances including allowances, reductions or exemptions. 

Household support fund for adults

The fund supports households struggling to meet food and energy bills.

We have now received conformation for the Household Support Fund to cover 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024.

Funding the cost of care

There are lots of options that are free or low cost, such as:

Social care services, unlike health care, is not free for everyone. Most people will have to contribute something towards the cost of their care with some people having to pay the full cost.

If you think you need support with the cost of your care, then have a conversation with us about a financial assessment of your needs

Look for independent financial advice to work out how to pay for care and support

It is always good to know what all your options are when you’re thinking about how to pay for care and support. 

Later life financial advisers specialise in the needs of older people. They can offer good advice about paying for care.

Appoint people to help you make decisions: lasting power of attorney

You can appoint one or more people, known as attorneys, to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf.

This gives you more control over what happens to you if you have an accident or an illness and can’t make your own decisions (you ‘lack mental capacity’).

Deputies: make decisions for someone who lacks capacity

You can apply to become someone’s deputy if they ‘lack mental capacity’. This means they can’t make a decision for themselves at the time it needs to be made.

money helper logo

Long Term Care - Money Helper

A free service that offers advice about money and pensions. Money helper has useful information to support you to make informed choices about long-term care


Paying for a care home

Find out information about care homes costs across the UK, including funding options and financial support. Which offers helpful information to help you make informed decisions about paying for a care home.

Paying for care - Age UK

 Paying for care can be challenging to navigate. For information on how to cover the different types of care, whether at home or in a care home.

Alzheimer's Society logo

Paying for dementia care in England 

  • Alzheimer's Society offers you clear information to help you understand the different options available when it comes to Dementia care. Find out about financial support, and how to plan for the future.

Visit the Care Choices website for self-funding advice

Helpful advice for people who are paying for their own care, also known as self-funding.