What the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) does
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About us
We offer confidential and impartial information, advice and support to parents, carers and young people.
The service is available to parents, carers and young people aged 0 to 25 with special needs or disabilities, living in Barnet.
We can:
help you to make decisions about your own or your child's special educational needs
empower parents, carers and young people to play a key role in their own or their child’s education
help you understand the law around SEND and what options are available to you
offer you the opportunity to talk things through and voice your concerns
Videos about Information, Advice and Support (IAS) services
Services we provide
We provide
Information about:
- Barnet Local Offer
- the law on SEN and disability, health and social care
- who to contact if you’re not happy with a decision
- other organisations that might be helpful to you
Advice on:
- education, health and care draft plans and needs assessment processes
- issues around school placement
- school suspensions and permanent exclusions
Support with:
- writing letters to a school or council
- meetings
- parental views on EHCPs
- SEND tribunals
- understanding SEN documents and reports
Talks and workshops:
- talks to groups and organisations
- information workshops for parents and carers on a range of relevant topics
- an annual conference with workshops for parents about SEND issues
Search for upcoming SENDIASS events
We can also signpost you to other services that may be able to help.