
Highways fees and charges

The below sets out Highways fees and charges from 1 January 2025.

All Highways fees and charges for 2025 were agreed at the Meeting of the Council of the London Borough of Barnet (LBB) that took place on 8 October 2024.


Type Description Charge and unit of measure
Coring Recovery of costs in coring programme for failed sample - material and depth failure. £179.32 per failure
Coring - 1 layer Recovery of costs in coring programme for failed sample - air void, 1 layer. £231.78 per failure
Coring - 2 layers Recovery of costs in coring programme for failed sample - air void, 2 layers. £287.29 per failure
Coring - 3 layers Recovery of costs in coring programme for failed sample - air void, 3 layers. £342.79 per failure
Coring - 4 layers Recovery of costs in coring programme for failed sample - air void, 4 layers. £398.31 per failure


Type Description Charge and unit of measure
Vehicle crossover Tree/Street lighting inspection charge. £198.34 each
Construction works Rechargeable construction crossover applications, street lighting, highway construction, sign supply and installation. £333.31 each
Vehicle crossover Consideration of a request to construct a vehicle crossover, where works are arranged by the authority via the highways term contractor. £245.17 each
Vehicle crossover  Legal agreement. £265.83 each
Vehicle crossover white line Process application. £212.11 each
Vehicle crossover white line Installation. £269.60 each
Vehicle crossover white line Installation - markings over 5m for every additional metre. £29.81 each
Crossover Construction cost of residential crossover. Cost + 40% each
Crossover Construction cost of residential crossover during planned maintenance works. (Cost + 40%) x 0.8 each
Illegal crossover Formalise the enforcement of Section 16 of the London Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2003 Cost + 40% each

Damage to Highways

Type Description Charge and unit of measure
Damage to Highways - Recharges  Recharge cost of repairs to damage caused to the public highway by building works. S133 Highways Act 1980. Cost + 40% per incident

Developer Charges

Type Description Charge and unit of measure
Pre-application initial meeting Pre-application initial meeting to discuss proposed developments - works under Highways Act 1980/Town & Country Planning Act 1990. £833.29 each
Pre-application advice or Pre-approval meeting  Pre-application advice or Pre-approval meeting to discuss proposed development and the scope of adoptable highway works in connection with new developments - works under the Highways Act 1980 and the Town 8 Country Planning Act 1990. £179.05 Hourly rate up to Snr Eng.
Pre-application advice or Pre-approval meeting  Pre-application advice or Pre-approval meeting to discuss proposed development and the scope of adoptable highway works in connection with new developments - works directed under the Highways Act 1980 and the Town 8 Country Planning Act 1990. £278.22 Hourly rate above Snr Eng.
Section 38, 278 and 106 Highway Work

Technical approval of highway layout & construction details and the supervision of adoptable highway works in connection with new estate roads offered for adoption. 

Highest percentage figure used when works cost in under £400,000. Lowest percentage used when works cost £1m to £2m. When works cost over £2m they are subject to individual negotiation. The Fees and Charges made will recover all expenses incurred in checking of the technical submission, site inspections, processing and administration. However, provision will also be made when dealing with external developers to recover all costs incurred by the Council as a result of the increased scope of the works, delay in developers programme for completion of highway works, concluding the relevant agreements under the Highways Act 1980 and dealing with any objections when processing statutory orders. 

12%, 15.5% and 20.5% each
Minor offsite highways work

Technical approval of highway layout & construction details and the supervision of highway works on the public highway for minor offsite highways work necessitated by the new development. Under section 184 of the Highways Act 1980, the charges relate to each access created or closed. 

The fees do not include the costs of carrying out the works or costs associated with lowering of services affected by development proposals.

£4,169.19 each
Processing of licences 

Under the Highways Act 1980 on new developments i.e under Sections 142, 177, 179, etc.

Initial application fee. Additional charges may be levied as the Fees and Charges made will recover all expenses incurred in checking of the technical submission, site inspections, processing and administration.

£5,222.85 each
Stopping Up Order

Processing of Stopping Up Order under Section 247 of Town & Country Planning Act 1990.

Initial application fee. Additional charges may be levied as the Fees and Charges made will recover all expenses incurred in checking of the technical submission, site inspections, processing and administration.

£6,817.80 each
Stopping Up Order 

Processing of Stopping Up Order under the Highways Act 1980.

Initial application fee. Additional charges may be levied as the Fees and Charges made will recover all expenses incurred in checking of the technical submission, site inspections, processing and administration.

£10,751.65 each
Processing of notification for Transport for London approval 

Processing of Notification for Transport for London approval under TMA 2004.

Initial application fee. Additional charges may be levied as the Fees and Charges made will recover all expenses incurred in checking of the technical submission, site inspections, processing and administration.

£5,222.85 each

Highways - Eruv Licence

Type Description Charge and unit of measure
Eruv - Significant licence renewal 5 year licence plus legal fees charged at £165.33 per hour (an estimate of costs will be provided before works start). £2,025.03 per Eruv area
Eruv - Significant new licence  5 year licence. Minimum fee dependant on size of area, complexity, number of roadways affected and number of wires and poles required (plus legal fees charged at £165.33 per hour an estimate of costs will be provided before works start). £2,025.03 per Eruv area
Eruv - Small licence 5 year licence. Maximum fee dependant on size of area, complexity, number of roadways affected and number of wires and poles required (plus legal fees charged at £165.33 per hour an estimate of costs will be provided before works start). £2,025.03 per Eruv area


Type Description Charge and unit of measure
Skip licence  Unlicensed skip on the highway. £470.25 each
Skip licence Traffic sensitive site inspection. £82.64 each
Scaffolding licence Erect or retain on or over a highway any scaffolding or other structure. £249.30 each
Hoarding licence Erect a hoarding/fence and site inspections to monitor compliance. £249.30 each
Construction licence Licence to construct works, cellars, cranes, portacabins, temporary crossovers, vaults or pavement lights under or on a street. £249.30 each
Material licence Temporarily deposit materials on the highway. £249.30 each
Scaffolding deposit Minimum deposit for scaffolding or other structure. £758.91 each
Hoarding deposit Minimum deposit for hoarding/fence. £758.91 each
Construction deposit Minimum deposit construct works, cellars, cranes, portacabins, temporary crossovers, vaults or pavement lights under or on a street. £758.91 each
Materials deposit Minimum deposit to temporarily deposit materials on the highway. £333.25 each
Skip licence Licence to place skip on the highway. £43.52 each
Skip licence Renewal for expired skip licence. £43.41 each
Skip licence Failure to secure lighting or safety markings on a skip (S139 (4) (a) Highways Act 1980). £127.79 per incident
Skip licence Failure to clearly mark owners details on a skip (S139 (4) (b) Highways Act 1980). £127.79 per incident
Materials licence Depositing or storing building materials on the public highway without a licence (S148 (a) & (c) Highways Act 1980). £127.79 per incident
Highways licence Erection pf a scaffold or any other structure on the public Highways without a licence (S169 (5) Highways Act 1980) £127.79 per incident
Highways licence Highways licence inspection due to a complaint £82.64 each
Unauthorised sign or banner Affixing a sign or banner upon the public highway without authorisation (S132 (1) Highways Act 1980). £127.79 per incident
Crane over-sailing licence  The minimum licence period is 3 months. Once the licence has expired you will be required to apply for a new licence at the same rate £1,750.96 per licence
Film licence No objection letter to filming on the public highway £104.50 per licence

Public Path Orders (PPO)

Type Description Charge and unit of measure
PPO Stage 1 Process Application. Check application, site visit, map preparation, initial consultation, correspondence and prepare committee report. Legal advice if required will be charged at £165.33 per hour (an estimate of costs will be provided before works start). Additional time dealing with consultee responses will be charged at £44.09 per hour (an estimate of costs to be provided before works start). Up to £1,158.88 per path
PPO Stage 2 Order Making. Prepare Order, Notice, and statement. Sign and seal Order. Distribute Order to all consultees and advertise (28 days consultation period) and advertise on Barnet website. Post, check and remove notices. Respond to queries and seek to overcome objections charged at £44.09 per hour. Additional site meetings if required charged at £121.24 per visit. Forward to Secretary of State if objections upheld and follow due process with possible Public Inquiry (non-chargeable work). Up to £830.76 per order
PPO Stage 3 & 4 Confirmation of Order/Legal Event Order Confirm works completed to agreed standard, Sign confirmed Order, draft confirmation notice. Quality control check. Distribute Order. Post notices on site, check and remove. Advertise notice of confirmation of order (cost not included, advertising cost will be charged at the prevailing rate). Send copies to prescribed organisations. Amend Definitive Map and Statement. Produce Legal event Order (LEO) and sign and seal 2 copies. £675.83 per order
PPO Stage 5  Certification. Confirm works completed to agreed standard as detailed in Certificate of Works plus any additional agreements. Draft certificate, advertise (advertising cost not included, advertising cost will be charged at the prevailing rate) and send to all on consultation list including applicant, landowners and Ordnance Survey.  £301.05 per certificate

Public Rights of Way - Highways Act S31(6)

Type Description Charge and unit of measure
Deposit of declaration, statement and map Deposit of first declaration, statement and map and deposit of subsequent declarations within expiry period of first deposit (20 years). Multiple areas of land may require more than one application and more than one fee. In the event of a joint application under s15A(1) of the Commons Act additional fees may apply for that element for which an estimate of costs will be provided before works commence. £276.48 per landholding

Street Furniture

Type Description Charge and unit of measure
Memorial seat/bench Up to 6ft in length, including on-going care for 10 years (minimum bench cost £1,585.94 dependant on material availability). Up to £1,585.94, plus £758.29 fixings and installation, plus £606.20 for ongoing care, for each bench
Bronze plaque  Type 1 - 152 x 63mm flush fitted. £295.45each
Bronze plaque Type 2 - 152 x 63mm flush fitted. £350.03each
Street name plate Private Quote and Specification Fee. £159.23 each
Grit bin Provide and place new salt bin, inc. salt. £506.86 per item
Grit bin Replace damaged salt bin, inc. salt refill. £506.86 per item
Grit bin Salt refill of bin. £202.47 per item
Private street name plate Supply and Installation on supporting poles, posts or wall. £878.09 each
Steet trading pitch Demarcation of a street trading pitch by insertion of studs into the footway or road. £28.11 per stud

Street Works Licences

Type Description Charge and unit of measure
Section 50 Street works licence Licence. £717.59 per licence
Section 50 Street works licence Additional phases of works on previously excavated sites. £319.54 per application

Traffic Orders

Type Description Charge and unit of measure
Traffic Management Order (TMO) processes Alteration of parking layout (charge covers the public consultation, advertising and one TMO alteration). £2,121.35 each
Traffic Management Order (TMO) Finalisation of the TMO & 1 TMO alteration. £907.88 each
Traffic Management Order (TMO) Review and respond to any objections received. £548.63 each
Traffic Management Order (TMO) Implementation costs as per the Schedule of Rates £558.03 each
Enquiries on Highway matters requiring an official response To cover all enquiries including GIS, Traffic Management Order, traffic schemes, accident data, rights of way and similar. £300.26 each
Enquiries on Highway matters requiring an official response To cover all enquiries including GIS, Traffic Management Order, traffic schemes, accident data, rights of way and similar items or queries over and above those set above. £9,709 per item
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order 14.1 Road Traffic Regulation ActExtension per month - The additional fee is applied each month between months 4 and 18 of an order period to enable further co-ordination, permitting and network management functions. £255.59 each
Special events

Temporarily restrict or prohibit traffic in order to facilitate a Special Event or similar whether on or off-street. Includes site meetings, making and advertising temporary traffic orders and erecting street notice. Excludes signs/road markings.

This is a fee to cover initial consideration including site inspection, consultations, estimate preparation and processing costs only. The cost of physical construction work will be a separate composite unit rate based on contractor's tendered rate plus 30% overhead costs to cover detailed design, drafting and advertising traffic order/notice(s), Supervision and admin costs.

Note: Discretionary charges or a waiver of fees may be applied in instances where the Council considers it appropriate – for example Charity events. 

£285.11 per order
Traffic count Approval to carry out a traffic count on borough roads. £477.63 each
Traffic Management Order (TMO) Restrict or prohibit traffic on a road in order to carry out works on or near the road.  £5,513.46 per order
Traffic Management Order (TMO) Temporarily restrict or prohibit traffic in order to carry out works on or near the road.  £2,813.89 per order
Traffic Management Order (TMO) Temporarily restrict or prohibit traffic in order to carry out works on or near the road when restriction is required without delay. £2,308.41 per order
Traffic sign Consideration of a request to place a traffic sign to indicate the route to specified land or premises and the placing of such a sign. £477.93 per sign
Traffic sign Consideration, quotation and specification to place a traffic sign to indicate the route to specified land or premises and the placing of such a sign. £191.17 per sign
Traffic data Provide traffic flow data from automatic traffic counters or previously conducted manual counts. £585.37 each
Commuted sums for Highways  Commuted Sum rates calculated based on ADEPT Guidelines