Citizens' Assembly sessions
Join us on our journey to become one of London’s most sustainable boroughs.
Throughout the Citizens’ Assembly process we held several ‘Show and Share’ sessions. These were open for anyone to attend to hear about what had taken place at the most recent sessions.
These were led by the facilitator from TPXImpact.
Session 6 held 22 APRIL
In this session, we looked back at where we are in the journey and discussed how we will make decisions as an Assembly. We had a panel of council officers responsible for the key thematic areas and there was the opportunity to ask them questions before moving onto co-evaluating ideas and a visioning activity.
Ask Me Anything Panel:
- Yogita Popat, London Borough of Barnet (LBB) Assistant Director of Sustainability
- Cath Shaw, LBB Deputy CEO
- Chris Smith, LBB Assistant Director of Estates and Decarbonisation
- Craig Miller, LBB Director of Street Scene
- Katherine Carr, LBB Public Health team
- Matthew Gunyon, LBB Green spaces Service Manager
- Neeru Kareer, Assistant Service Director (Planning)
Sessions 7 and 8 held 20 and 21 May
This was the final weekend of the Citizens’ Assembly and the final recommendations were drafted. During the first session, the assembly began drafting provisional recommendations. The recommendations from the Young People’s Assembly were presented. In the final session, assembly members voted on which recommendations were a priority and decided their final list of 20.
There were no external speakers at this session.