
Fast track services and costs

Fast Track costs are in addition to application or pre-application fees. VAT receipts can be provided on request.


Choice of Officer

Available for applications and pre-application (subject to availability)

Choice of officer

Selection of officer

10% of application/ pre-application base fee- minimum of £55.00 (£66.00 incl. VAT) charge


Householders applications

Our services for householder applications cover all types of residential development within the curtilage of a dwelling (including house extensions, outbuildings, driveways).


Householder applications

Service 1
a- Registration of application within 1 working day
b- Consultation of neighbouring properties within 1 working day
c- Provision of an officer's recommendation within 5 weeks of validation

In the event that the recommendation is to approve, note that the decision will be delegated if fewer than 5 objections are received and the application is not called in to a planning committee by a Councillor.

Whilst the recommendation will be provided within 5 weeks of validation of the applications in any event, the necessary referral of an application to committee will have the effect of delaying the determination of the applications.


(£460.80 incl. VAT)

Service 2 (applicable only if Service 1 is taken up)

Visit to site within 5 working days of registration


(£132.00 incl. VAT)

Service 3

a- Registration of application within 1 working day

b- Review of the information submitted with the application within 2 working days of the site visit, if Service 2 accepted, or 5 working days from the validation (if Service 2 not accepted)
c- Provision of an email setting out any required changes to the application or confirming support/refusal of the application.


(£376.80 incl. VAT)


Service 4

a- Registration of application within 1 working day
b- Consultation of neighbouring properties within 1 working day
c- Provision of an officers recommendation within 1 working day following on from the end of the consultation period (28 days)

Under this service, amendments to the scheme will be accepted at the discretion of case officers due to the time constraints.

In the event that the recommendation is to approve, note that the decision will be delegated if fewer than 5 objections are received and the application is not called in to a planning committee by a Councillor.

Whilst the recommendation will be provided within 5 weeks of validation of the applications in any event, the necessary referral of an application to committee will have the effect of delaying the determination of the applications.


(£839.40 incl. VAT)

Additional and faster services

on request

Conditions and certificate of lawfulness applications

All our services for conditions and certificates include:

  • The registration of a valid application within 1 working day of receipt
  • The issuing of a decision notice within 1 working day of confirmation of support or within 1 working of receipt of acceptable amendments/additional information.
  • For conditions applications only, the fast track fee is charged per condition.
Conditions and certificate of lawfulness applications

Service 8
Accelerated review and provision of an email setting out any required changes to the application or confirming support/refusal of the application within 15 working days of registration.


(£134.40 incl. VAT)

Service 9

Accelerated review and provision of an email setting out any required changes to the application or confirming support/refusal of the application within 10 working days of registration.


(£333.60 incl. VAT)

Service 10

Accelerated review and provision of an email setting out any required changes to the application or confirming support/refusal of the application within 5 working days of registration.


(£395.40 incl. VAT)

Service 11

Accelerated review and provision of an email setting out any required changes to the application or confirming support/refusal of the application within 2 working days of registration.


(£525.00 incl. VAT)

Service 12
Accelerated review and provision of an email setting out any required changes to the application or confirming support/refusal of the application within 1 working days of registration.


(£790.80 incl. VAT)

Additional and faster services

on request

Office to residential prior notifications

Office to residential prior notifications

Service 13
a- Registration of valid application within 1 working day of receipt
b- Consultation of neighbouring properties within 1 working day
c- Provision of an officer's recommendation within 4 weeks of validation


(£454.20 incl. VAT)

Service 14
Subject to a prior notification application is approved, provision of letter confirming compliance with relevant legislation.


(£97.20 incl. VAT)

Additional and faster services

on request

Larger home extensions prior notifications

Larger home extensions prior notifications

Service 15
a- Registration of valid application within 1 working day of receipt
b- Consultation of neighbouring properties within 1 working day
c- Provision of an officer's recommendation within 5 weeks of validation


(£247.20 incl. VAT)

Additional and faster services

on request

Small Minor Applications and Variation of Conditions (1 - 4 residential units / 100m2 - 999m2)

Small Minor Applications and Variation of Conditions

Service 16
a- Registration of valid application within 1 working day of receipt
b- Consultation of neighbouring properties within 1 working day


(£253.20 incl. VAT)

Service 17 (applicable only if 16 is taken up)
a- Review of the information submitted within 5 working days from the validation of the application
b- Provision of an email setting out any required changes to the application or confirming support/refusal of the application.


(£379.20 incl. VAT)

Service 19

Provision of an officer's recommendation within 5 weeks of validation.

In the event that the recommendation is to approve, note that the decision will be delegated if fewer than 5 objections are received and the application is not called in to a planning committee by a Councillor. Whilst the recommendation will be provided within 5 weeks of validation of the applications in any event, the necessary referral of an application to committee will have the effect of delaying the determination of the applications.


(£253.20 incl. VAT)

Additional and faster services

on request

Large Minor Applications and Variation of Conditions (5 - 9 residential units / 1000m2 - 1999m2)

Large Minor Applications and Variation of Conditions

Service 20
a- Registration of valid application within 1 working day of receipt
b- Consultation of neighbouring properties within 1 working day


(£367.80 incl. VAT)

Service 21 (applicable only if 20 is taken up)
a- Review of the information submitted within 5 working days from the validation of the application
b- Provision of an email setting out any required changes to the application or confirming support/refusal of the application.


(£525.00 incl. VAT)

Service 23

Provision of an officer's recommendation within 5 weeks of validation.

In the event that the recommendation is to approve, note that the decision will be delegated if fewer than 5 objections are received and the application is not called in to a planning committee by a Councillor. Whilst the recommendation will be provided within 5 weeks of validation of the applications in any event, the necessary referral of an application to committee will have the effect of delaying the determination of the applications.


(£376.80 incl. VAT)

Additional and faster services

on request

Major applications

Tailored service. Quote provided on request.

Pre-Application advice Category A, B and C

Category A -  Very Large Scale, Complex Development

  • 150 or more residential units
  • 4000 m2 or more commercial floor space

Category B -  Very Large Scale, Complex Development

  • 100 - 149 residential units
  • 4000 m2 of commercial floor space

Category C - Large Scale, Complex Development

  • 25 - 99 residential units
  • 2000m2 - 3999m2 of commercial floor space

Tailored service. Quote provided on request.

Pre-Application advice Categories D, E and F

Category D - Major Complex Development – standard base fee £3,708.00  (incl. VAT)

  • 10 - 24 residential units
  • 1000m2 - 1999m2 of commercial floor space
  • Development involving a site of 0.5ha and over
  • Mixed use developments

Category E - Minor development – standard base fee £2,113.20 (incl. VAT)

  • 2-4 new units (where a meeting is sought)
  • 5-9 new residential units
  • 100-999 m2 of commercial floorspace (including change of use)
  • HMOs (100 m2 – 999 m2) (where a meeting is sought)

Category F - Minor development – standard base fee £1,131.00  (incl. VAT)

  • 2-4 new units (where no meeting is sought)
  • 100-999 m2 of commercial floorspace (including change of use)
  • Individual proposals for Telecommunications equipment and masts
  • Advertisement application for hoardings
  • HMOs (100 m2 – 999 m2) (where no meeting is sought)

Note that for Category F development only (no meeting), the notes will be provided from the date of registration of request. For example, if service 24 is requested, the fast track fee would be £274.50 (calculated at 25% of £1098.00) and would involve provision of notes 10 working days from registration of request. The charges below are payable in addition to the base charges.

Pre-Application advice Categories D, E and F

Service 24
a- Accelerated offer of meeting at our offices (or on site) within 10 working days
b- Provision of meeting notes within 3 working days of meeting

25% of standard base pre-application fee

Service 25
a- Accelerated offer of meeting at our offices (or on site) within 5 working days
b- Provision of meeting notes within 3 working days of meeting

50% of standard base pre-application fee

Service 26
a- Accelerated offer of meeting at our offices (or on site) within 2 working days
b- Provision of meeting notes within 3 working days of meeting

75% of standard base pre-application fee

Additional and faster services on request

on request

Pre-Application advice Categories G - J

Category G - Creation of one residential unit – standard base fee £374.40 (incl. VAT)

  • Creation of 1 additional residential house or flat
  • Replacement of an existing residential unit
  • Conversion of 1 property into 2 residential units, including demolition and rebuild

Category H - Creation of one residential unit with Heritage issues– standard base fee £1,137.00 (incl. VAT)

  • Creation of 1 residential unit in a conservation area / listed building / or with associated complex heritage issues with meeting including Heritage Officer

Category I - Creation of one residential unit with Heritage issues– standard base fee £830.40 (incl. VAT)

  • Creation of 1 residential unit in a conservation area / listed building / or with associated complex heritage issues (no meeting included)

Category J - Small Scale development – standard base fee £271.80 (incl. VAT)

  • Small extensions / alterations (including advertisements) to commercial or similar premises, below 100m2
  • Small changes of use to commercial or similar premises, below 100m2
  • Other small scale developments below the threshold of category F
  • HMO below 100 m2.

Note that the standard base charges cover the provision of written notes only. A standard site visit or meeting is charged at the standard rate of £285.60 (incl. VAT).

The charges below are payable in addition to the base charges. For example a Category G request to have a site meeting within 10 days of submitting the request and notes within 6 days of the meeting will be attract an overall charge of £806.10 (£363.60 base charge + £285.60 base charge for the meeting + £90.90 fast track charge to guarantee an accelerated meeting date + £66.00 to guarantee the accelerated provision of notes).

Pre-Application advice Categories G - J

Service 27 (not applicable for Category I)
Accelerated offer of meeting at our offices (or on site) within 10 working days

25% of standard base pre-application fee

Service 28 (not applicable for Category I)
Accelerated offer of meeting at our offices (or on site) within 5 working days

50% of standard base pre-application fee

Service 29 (not applicable for Category I)
Accelerated offer of meeting at our offices (or on site) within 2 working days

75% of standard base pre-application fee

Service 30 (not applicable for Category I)

Provision of written notes within 6 working days of  meeting

£56.60 (£67.92 incl. VAT)

Service 31 (not applicable for Category I)

Provision of written notes within 3 working days of  meeting

£110.00 (£132.00 incl. VAT)

Service 32 (not applicable for Category H)

Provision of written notes within 6 working days of  meeting  (when no meeting is sought)

£110.00 (£132.00 incl. VAT)

Service 33 (not applicable for Category H)

Provision of written notes within 3 working days of  meeting (when no meeting is sought)

£214.00 (£256.80 incl. VAT)

Additional and faster services on request

on request

Pre-Application advice Categories K and L - Extensions / Development within the curtilage of a house or flat

Note that the standard base charge is £148.20 (incl. VAT) for a Category K and £222.48 (including VAT) for a Category L pre-application requests. This charge covers the provision of written notes only. A standard site visit or meeting is charged at the standard rate of £294.00 (incl. VAT).

The charges below are payable in addition to the base charges. For example a request to have a site meeting within 6 days of submitting the request and notes within 6 days of the meeting will be attract an overall charge of £665.52 (£148.20 base charge + £294.00 base charge for the meeting + £197.40 fast track charge to guarantee an accelerated meeting date + £25.92 to guarantee the accelerated provision of notes)

Pre-Application advice Categories K and L

Service 34
 Accelerated offer of meeting at our offices (or on site) within 6 working days

£164.50 (£197.40 incl. VAT)

Service 35
 Accelerated offer of meeting at our offices (or on site) within 3 working days

£329.50 (£395.40 incl. VAT)

Service 36
 Accelerated offer of meeting at our offices (or on site) within 1 working days

£551.00 (£661.20 incl. VAT)

Service 37

Provision of written notes within 6 working days of  meeting

£21.60  (£25.92 incl. VAT)

Service 38

Provision of written notes within 3 working days of  meeting

£82.40 (£98.88 incl. VAT)

Service 39

Provision of written notes within 1 working days of  meeting

£164.80 (£197.76 incl. VAT)

Service 40

Provision of written notes within 6 working days of  meeting (when no meeting is sought)

£80.80 (£96.96 incl. VAT)

Service 41

Provision of written notes within 3 working days of  meeting (when no meeting is sought)

£161.00 (£193.20 incl. VAT)

Service 42

Provision of written notes within 1 working days of  meeting (when no meeting is sought)

£322.40 (£386.88 incl. VAT)

Additional and faster services on request

on request

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