
View, search and comment on planning applications online

The easiest way to comment on or object to a planning application is online:

  1. Go to Barnet Planning Applications
  2. Search for the application you want to comment on: you can search by address, postcode or date
  3. Add your details and comment or objection to the comments section

You can also:

  • get alerts for planning applications and appeals in your area (registration required)
  • track the progress of planning applications you are interested in
  • find out how many comments have been made about applications
  • find past planning applications 

Go to Barnet Planning Applications

Comments and objections

Applications are decided based on the policies in the Local Plan, government guidance and other material considerations.

We also consider the effect the proposal might have on others, and on other interests.

These effects can include:

  • the amenity of residents
  • road safety
  • buildings or places of historic or architectural importance
  • environmental matters and concerns

Comments about applications will be considered in the final decision process according to seriousness and relative importance.

We only consider 'material planning considerations' when looking at comments. 

  • All comments submitted are made available online
  • Your name and address are published with your comment (unless you tell us not to)
  • Phone numbers and email addresses will be removed (redacted)

We cannot enter into correspondence or discussions with objectors on the points they raise.


We can only consider 'material planning considerations' when looking at your comments. The most common of these are:

  • loss of light or overshadowing
  • overlooking / loss of privacy
  • visual amenity (but not loss of private view)
  • adequacy of parking/loading/turning
  • traffic generation, Highway safety and parking
  • noise and disturbance resulting from use
  • loss of trees
  • effect on listed building and conservation area
  • layout and density of building
  • design, for example height/bulk/position of buildings, appearance, materials, effect
  • on surrounding area
  • landscaping
  • road access
  • local, strategic, regional and national planning policies
  • previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)
  • nature conservation.
  • the perceived loss of property value
  • private disputes between neighbours
  • the loss of a view
  • the impact of construction work or competition between firms
  • matters covered by other legislation, including restrictive covenants on land
  • ownerships disputes over rights of way
  • the applicant’s motives, character or personal circumstances.

Consultation letters are sent as part of the normal planning application process. The public have 28 days to comment.

A planning officer will visit the planning application site and will also review all the comments made by interested parties. The officer can ask the applicant to make amendments at this stage.

We aim to balance flexibility and formal process. Minor amendments to a proposal are usually accepted, providing no neighbour re-consultation is required. Major amendments may require a new application to ensure comprehensive evaluation and stakeholder engagement. 

When all the necessary information has been received and the consultation period is over, the case officer will write a report and make a recommendation.

This will be considered by an authorised planning manager.

Planning committee meetings 

Most planning applications are decided by council officers who review written comments and summarise these within their report approving or rejecting the application.  

However, some applications will be discussed at a council planning committee. 

These are usually major applications or applications that have been referred to committee  by the Chief Planning Officer.  

Where an application is decided by a committee, the council’s constitution allows for up to two speakers for each application, plus the applicant or their representative 

Ask to speak at a planning committee meeting

You can ask to speak at a planning committee meeting by:

  • adding a comment to a planning application online by selecting ‘request to speak’ and following the instructions
  • writing to the following address and including ‘I request to speak at committee’ visibly at the top of your letter

Planning And Building Control
2 Bristol Avenue
London NW9 4EW

If the application goes to planning committee, we will contact you with the date, time and location of the planning meeting.

Request to speak at a Planning Committee meeting