Our growth strategy: An entrepreneurial borough
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This theme relates to promoting growth in Barnet’s economy, and supporting our businesses and residents.
Barnet has more businesses than any outer London borough.
94% of our businesses are ‘micro’ meaning they employ between one and nine employees. Micro businesses are the foundation of our economy, employing 130,000 people. We will support them to thrive, making Barnet the best place to be a small business in London.
As the business sector has grown it has faced challenges, including:
- access to talent
- demand for flexible workspace to suit modern working practices
- lack of grow-on space for successful businesses that want to expand within the borough
The strategy aims to address these challenges.
Our objectives for an entrepreneurial borough
Ensure the council delivers its services in a way that supports businesses
Deliver business-focused services in a streamlined way.
Identify and support growing sectors across the borough
Provide targeted support for existing and new businesses in partnership with Higher and Further Education institutions. Work with our inward investment partners to attract new business and investment to complement the borough’s existing economic strengths.
Create job and skills development opportunities for local people
Work with partners to identify and support those furthest from employment to find work. Leverage growth and development to create job opportunities and skills development for local people, particularly people from marginalised communities and young people not in education, employment or training.
Support the local economy, including through promotion of local supply chains
Promote local supply chain opportunities through development and across public sector partners.