Public Rights of Way: Definitive map and statement
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About the definitive map and statement
The definitive map and statement are created and updated by the surveying authority. They're the legal record for a PROW.
If a right of way is shown on the definitive map and statement, that means there's a law in place making this a PROW.
The definitive map won't tell you if the PROW is publicly or privately maintained.
Barnet definitive map
We are currently working on pulling together the rights of way definitive map for Barnet. It'll involve updating the previous map to include any legal changes that have occurred recently.
Once this work is completed, paper copies of the map will be made available to the public. A digital version will also be published on this page.
Changes to the definitive map and statement
If a PROW has an incorrect status, for example if:
- it's shown on the definitive map as a footpath and there is evidence to show it should be a bridleway
- there's evidence to suggest a right of way exists but is currently not recorded
You can apply for a Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO).
If you are a landowner and wish to divert or remove a PROW, then you can apply for a Public Path Order (PPO).
For further information about applying for a DMMO or PPO, please contact the Public Rights of Way team