
School phase transfers for children and young people with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC Plans)

What is a phase transfer?

Phase transfer refers to the process for children and young people with Education, Health, and Care plan (EHC Plan) who are transitioning between different stages of their education.

The phase transfer process

The phase transfer process begins when your child is transitioning from:

  • nursery to primary school
  • infant school to junior school
  • junior or primary to secondary school
  • secondary school to post-16 or 19 provision
  • or when an EHC plan is first issued

Annual review

Each year, your child’s school will hold an annual review meeting for the EHC plan. In the review meeting before the transfer year, parents, the young person, and professionals will discuss:

  • the next school
  • recommendations for EHC plan amendments, including relevant outcomes on your child’s attainment, progress, needs and provisions
  • whether a provision (ARP or special school) is considered more suitable

The Annual Review paperwork should include updated information on the child's attainment, progress, needs, and provision. This information will help us make informed decisions about amending the EHC plan and determining the placement for their next phase of education.

Tell us your preferred school

It is important that you tell us about your preferred school for your child. 

As part of the Phase Transfer process, you will receive correspondence and be advised to select your setting preference .We’ll also invite you to an information session on the phase transfer process to answer any questions you may have.

Between July and November, we’ll update your child’s EHC Plan based on the received advice. We’ll send you a copy of the amendment notice before your child / young person transfers to a new setting the following September.

The form for selecting primary and secondary school preferences has now closed.

The form for selecting 16+ school / college preference has now closed.

If you’re unhappy about the school or college named on your child’s EHC plan

If you disagree with the amended EHC plan, the school or provision we have named, you have the option to appeal to the SEND Tribunal. We’ll provide you with details on how to proceed.

Other useful information

Use our schools directory to help you find local schools and colleges.

Under the law, parents/carers of children and young people with an EHC plan do not need to follow the normal admissions process for a school or college place.

The Barnet Admissions Team will forward any forms from parents indicating the child has an EHC Plan to us. Our Special Education Needs (SEN) team will handle the phase transfer process and guide you answering any questions you may have.

Most children with special needs attend local mainstream schools and colleges. Special schools are reserved for those with the most severe and complex needs, and spaces are limited. All applications to special schools are reviewed by a Panel.

We’re still required to conduct a phase transfer process even if your child attends a school covering both primary and secondary ages.

Children aged 5-8 are expected to walk up to 2 miles, those over 8 years up to 3 miles, this is known as ‘statutory walking distance’. You are expected to accompany your children within these distances.

Some children may qualify for free home to school transport if they have severe mobility difficulties or other needs preventing them from walking the distance, even with parental supervision. Please see our home to school transport policy.

You should should consult our team to consider travel arrangements if you prefer a school that is further than the nearest suitable one.

By law we prioritise the school preference of parents/carers or young people aged 16 and over, with the young person’s choice taking precedence if they are 16 or older in the current academic year.

Regardless of the severity of special educational needs, if you (or your child aged 16 years or over) would like to attend a mainstream school or college, we will almost always comply with that preference. The EHC plan will detail the required provisions and our specialist support services will work to support and advise the school or college.

The main factors we consider when making the decision about which school/college your child should attend are:  

  • if the school/college can deliver the EHC Plan provisions
  • if the child’s needs are compatible with efficient education for other students
  • if there is an available place
  • the costs are reasonable compared to other suitable options

The law states that if you (or a young person aged 16 and over) request a maintained school, we must name the school in Section 1 of the EHC Plan unless:

  • the school/college is unsuitable for your child’s or young person’s age, ability or special needs
  • the child’s or young person’s attendance would be incompatible with the provision of efficient education of other children or lead to inefficient use of resources 

If the chosen school/college is not named in the EHC Plan, reasons will be provided. If you choose independent schooling or home education, we’ll need to make sure these arrangements are suitable.

Need help?

If you need more information about the phase transfer process, please speak to your child’s school or the SEN team via email You can also seek information, advice and support from Barnet SEND Information, Advice and Support Service. They can be contacted on 020 8359 7637 or by email at: