
Sustainability support for businesses, jobs and skills

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Join us on our journey to become one of London’s most sustainable boroughs.

We are working to create and support more green businesses, jobs and green skills in the borough.

The benefits of sustainable business

Being more sustainable can be great for businesses. It can:

  • help you make progress towards net zero carbon
  • lower the costs of running your business
  • grow your revenue
  • help staff build their skills to support your business
  • help keep talent
  • access new partnerships, investment, and sustainable customers
  • attract shoppers who want to shop sustainably

Where to start

Many businesses want to become more sustainable but don’t always know where to start. Here are our tips to support you and your business to become more sustainable: 

What all businesses can do on their journey to becoming more sustainable

  1. build awareness of sustainable practices amongst your employees 

    make sustainability part of your culture, embed this way of thinking in your organisation

  2. cut down on waste

    Think about the waste you produce, are you able to reduce paper or printing?

    Cut down or ban single use plastic water bottles, bags or takeaway containers?

    If you’re not able to completely reduce waste, can you recycle more and support your staff to do the same?

  3. recycle more to make a bigger impact

    As well as recycling your own waste, think about making it easier for your staff and others to recycle.

    If you’re able to, think about investing in recycled resources, such as buying recycled goods. This may cost a little more initially, as recycled goods are often a bit more expensive. But the environmental cost of using new, single use materials is much higher.

  4. change your travel habits to cut pollution

    Reducing the number of cars on the road cuts back on pollution as well as reducing carbon emissions.

    If you need to travel, think about whether you can use public transport, cycle or car share

  5. Encourage cycling

    Could you install a bike rack near your business, and make it easier for your staff to cycle too?

    We recognise, not all businesses will be able to enable hybrid or home working; but if you can, this will also help. More information on our Active Travel for workplaces campaign

  6. choose environmentally conscious suppliers 

    If you're a small business that wants to tackle climate change, join with others that want to do that too. Not only will you be able to support each other but you may be able to share best practice.  

    One of the ways you can be more environmentally conscious is by using local suppliers, this not only supports your local economy and other small businesses but will have an impact on your carbon footprint.

  7. make sustainable lunch choices 

    Consider eating seasonal and locally produced food; this not only saves air miles but also is more sustainable.  

  8. be more energy efficient 

    Turning off electric appliances at the plug socket when not in use, will not only save energy but can also save money on your electricity bills. 

  9. switch your lighting to LED lightbulbs 

    To save 75 percent energy compared to traditional light bulbs, why not switch to LED bulbs; this not only saves energy but in the long run may also reduce electricity bills. 

  10. if your business offers a delivery service or you use cars for business travel 

    Think about whether you can change from petrol and diesel or invest in an electric vehicle. For shorter journeys could you cycle, use public transport or walk. Think about ways you can reduce the amount of journeys you make, as with other ideas, this is not only better for the planet it also saves energy.

  11. plant a tree 

    Why not invest in planting trees in the borough? 

    Visit Barnet Trees for Streets

  12. offset your carbon 

    One way to balance your business’s carbon emissions is through carbon offsetting. This is when a business takes part in schemes to remove greenhouse gas emissions; Compensating for their own emissions. If you would like to talk to someone in the Sustainability Team on how you can get involved in projects across Barnet contact 

High street operators

For retailers and other high street businesses, ReLondon has free help available to support you on your sustainability journey, some ideas include:

  • attending a free workshop on the circular economy, and how to reduce waste
  • applying for a grant to help you deliver sustainability initiatives
  • getting support on how to make changes that have real impact on your business and staff


If you’re a landlord or have control over a building, free support is available from Better Futures. They offer:

  • 12 months free access to a carbon calculator to measure your carbon footprint
  • a tailored carbon reduction plan to meet national guidelines
  • a free energy audit and energy reduction report to help reduce your energy bills
  • free access to an online learning portal to future proof your business
  • weekly educational webinars on a suite of business sustainability topics
  • consultancy with experts from a range of fields
  • grants for sustainable innovations and energy efficiency initiatives.

To get access to this programme your business must have:

  • between 2 and 249 employees
  • an annual revenue of between £70,000 and £43,000,000.

Diverse founders need to have an annual revenue of at least £50,000.

Email Better Futures for more details.

Business Sustainability Support Poster

Apply to the programme today

Useful links

More advice is available in our Green Practices for Businesses

Find out about the latest sustainable opportunities for businesses in Barnet. Sign up to our Business Buzz e-newsletter

Pledge to reduce your carbon footprint and join us on our journey to net zero by signing the pledge