Build School Capacity
Why is this an important step in our sustainability journey?
Research and learnings from other schools show that by involving different members of your school community you can develop diverse ideas and achieve more.
The more that the workload for taking climate action is distributed across the school community, the more feasible and impactful your climate action plan will be. For example, while teachers are important for implementing actions to do with climate education and green careers, the estates team are crucial to many actions relating to operations and decarbonisation. Students are also an important resource in delivering climate action and many are passionate about this subject; think about how you can include them in helping to deliver actions.
What does building school capacity to take climate action mean?
‘Building school capacity to take climate action’ means you are increasing the awareness and skills of members of your school community, so that your whole school community is part of the solution to addressing climate change.
'Building school capacity’ requires more than just individuals advocating for sustainability. It is about working together across the whole school, identifying the different skill sets and backgrounds in your school community, and playing to these strengths.
Building school capacity is most effective when it is approached as a long-term goal and developed over time.
Training staff and learners
Training staff and learners with green skills is not only a key aspect of the ‘climate education and green careers’ pillar but is also vital for enabling further action in your school and reducing the pressure on the Sustainability Lead.
Bringing climate education into your curriculum can support learners to be active citizens and be part of exciting and interesting projects.
In the resources below you can find opportunities for free training, alongside ways in which you can build green skills in learners to take action dependent on their age, interests and needs.
Joining local networks and events
Another way to build your school’s capacity for climate action is to collaborate with other education settings and organisations.
Remember that while your school is responsible for developing its own Climate Action Plan, you are not alone in this!
How the council can support you in taking this step
Training staff and learners:
● Carbon literacy training
● School business manager sustainability training – in partnership with UKSSN
● Sustainability governor training – in partnership with Climate Ambassadors
Joining local networks and events:
● Sustainability Lead network
● BARNET CLIMATE ACTION MONTH - BCAM closing event - sharing best practice
Further resources and support:
● Programmes and trainings to engage in for different education setting staff
● Building a sustainability working group, training opportunities and further programmes can be found here
To express interest in any of the above please email