
Our Commitment to you as your Corporate Parents

Barnet Council is responsible for the care and support you receive while you are in our care. The responsibility for corporate parenting sits with the whole council, Councillors, community services, education support, schools, and health services.

As your ‘Corporate Parents’, we are committed to making sure that we are effective parents. This involves ensuring you are safeguarded and you are provided with the opportunities you need to achieve the best in your childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

As with all parents we know we will not always get things right, but we promise to do our best.

Our Pledge tells you what Barnet Children’s Service will do for you during your time in care, and what we need from you.

Barnet’s Pledge was produced alongside our Children in Care Council and it includes ‘5 Priorities’ that were identified as being important to children and young people:

  • a good education
  • feeling a sense of belonging 
  • keeping healthy 
  • staying safe 
  • championing your needs 

We, your Corporate Parents, pledge to: 

  • Support you to fulfil your dreams 
  • Be there for you, when you need us 
  • Support your mental and physical health 
  • Listen, communicate and make decisions together with you 
  • Support you to become independent and prepare for adulthood 
  • Celebrate you, your achievements, identity and culture

Corporate Parenting Strategy

Care Leaver Parenting Pledge
Barnet’s Care Leaver Parenting Pledge is the commitment that we as corporate parents and grandparents, are here to support our young people and their children to break the cycle of disadvantage and care experience.