Deputations: Written representations to the Council
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Deputations allow citizens, representatives of local organisations or businesses to make written representations to the Council on local issues and to present these at either the Full Council, Cabinet or committees.
Requests for deputations must be in writing and supported by the signatures of at least five and no more than 24 citizens or representatives of local organisations or businesses in Barnet.
The signatories must clearly state their names and post code/qualifying education/business address. The request must explain why a deputation is required.
Deputations to Full Council can be on any issue which relates to the Councils powers or duties, or which affect the borough.
Deputations to Cabinet and committees must relate to an item on the agenda for the meeting to which it is to be submitted.
Deputations are not permitted in relation to: planning applications; licensing applications; at the overview and scrutiny committee or sub-committees; or at the Standards Sub-Committee.
The request must be submitted to Head of Governance by 10am on the third working day prior to the meeting.
Submit a deputation
You can submit a Deputation to the Head of Governance by email to
Or to the address of the Head of Governance:
Head of Governance
London Borough of Barnet
2 Bristol Avenue