
Freedom of Information Request

FOI: Repairs & Maintenance and Gas Servicing & Repair Contract

Received: 30 September 2024

To whom it may concern,FOI: Repairs & Maintenance and Gas Servicing & Repair Contract Portsmouth City Councils, Repairs & Maintenance and Gas Servicing & Repair Contracts in relation to our HRA housing stock, are due for renewal within the next 18 months. As part of work being undertaken around the procurement of the new contracts, we are currently undertaking a peer review of other Local Authorities to gain insight into how other authorities deliver their maintenance services to help inform potential changes to our current contracting and delivery models. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request responses to the questionnaire below. We would be happy to share anonymised results that we receive to assist you in potential decision making around your own procurement.I would like to thank you for your time and please free feel to contact me should you have any questions.Yours faithfully,FOI Benchmark Procurement QuestionsPlease highlight your chosen response. 1.Do you own your own Council housing stock?*Yes*NoNo further questions if you don't have a housing stock. Housing Stock Details2.Approximately how many dwellings do you have? *Council dwellings*Leasehold dwellings3.If known, approximately many response repairs do you undertake per year?4.If known, approximately gas services to you undertake per year?5.Do you have a combined Repairs and Gas contract? (i.e. one contractor that undertakes both building repairs and gas servicing)*Yes*NoRepairs and Maintenance Contract Delivery6.Who undertakes your main repairs and maintenance contract? *Name of external provider(s) and addressOr *Confirm if repairs & maintenance is undertaken via inhouse delivery7.What is the contract model for the repairs and maintenance contract? *Schedule of rates*Price per property*Cost reimbursable*Target Cost *Other (please state)Gas Contract Delivery8.Who undertakes the gas contract?*Name of external provider(s) and addressOr *Confirm if gas servicing and repairs is via inhouse delivery9.What is the contract model for the gas contract?*Schedule of rates*Price per property*Cost reimbursable*Target Cost *3-star service *4-star service*Other (please state)Budgets10.Approximately how much is your annual budget for 2024/2025*Revenue Repairs and maintenance (general)*Revenue Gas servicing & repairs *Capital expenditure (repairs and maintenance and gas)11. Who is the main contact for your Repairs & Maintenance contract? Name, job title and email12. Who is the main contact for the Gas Servicing & Repairs contract? Name, job title and email13. Would you be willing to discuss your maintenance service delivery further with us? *Yes *No14. Would you like to receive an anonymised copy of the results of this survey? *Yes *NoIf you currently have Inhouse service delivery15. How many years have you had an inhouse repairs and/or gas service?16. Who undertook repairs and/or gas prior to the service being inhouse?*Name 17. What was the contract model for the repairs and/or gas contract prior to the service being inhouse *Schedule of rates*Price per property*Cost reimbursable18. What was the main driver behind the service being brought inhouse?*Service improvement *Cost savings*Political decision*Resident decision*Other (please state)

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download