Planning application ref 16/6662/FUL Hasmonean High School 2 - 4 Page Street London NW7 2EU
Received: 8 November 2024
Amended request 2/12/2024Ref: Planning Ref: 16/6662/FULHasmonean High School 2 - 4 Page Street London NW7 2EUDemolition of existing Girls school and construction of a new combined Boys and Girls school with vehicular access from Champions Way including 167 car parking spaces and 220 cycle parking spaces, three pedestrian accesses north, east and south of the site, along with associated landscaping (including swales), sports and recreational areas and ancillary buildings for energy centre and service yard, security gatehouse. School drop-off and pick-up space will be set out adjoining land. AMENDED PLANS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (Please see GLA Letter dated 11 June 2024).Ref. No: 16/1295/ESCEnvironmental Impact Assessment Scoping OpinionRef. No: 16/1187/ESREnvironmental Impact Assessment Screening OpinionThe above application 16/6662/FUL was submitted late 2016, but was put on a 'holding refusal' by the GLA February 2017.The applicant was then invited to engage with the GLA and Barnet to work and overcome the GLAs grounds for the holding refusal.A second public consultation has taken place with revised planning documents submitted in July 2024, this will be determined early 2025.So the application has been ongoing for nearly 8 years, no doubt there will be periods of quiet, but others when much communication took place.Please check your case management system for anything marked as 'sensitive' for the above application references.Names of Officers to FOI:Andrew DillonFabian GaudinAndy BatesJosh Mc CleanRe: 16/6662/FULTraffic & DevelopmentEnvironmental Health-SSTrees & LandscapeWaste & Sustainability TeamHighways (Drainage)Traffic & DevelopmentTravel Plan CoordinatorUrban Design & HeritageGreen SpacesMet Police Traffic Management UnitTransport For LondonTfL Borough Planning
Outcome / Documents
- 13336675 Officer communications on Hasmonean High School 2 - 4 Page Street London NW7 2EU ref 16_6662_FUL _Redacted - application/pdf - Download
- 13336675 Planning file 16_1187_ESR_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
- 13336675 Planning file 16_1295_ESC_redacted - application/pdf - Download
- 13336675 Pre-application advice 15_08612_ENQ Redacted - application/pdf - Download
- 13336675 Statutory Consultee responses 16_6662_FUL Hasmonean High School 2-4 Page Street London NW7 2EU PART 2_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
- 13336675 Statutory Consultee responses 16_6662_FUL Hasmonean High School 2-4 Page Street London NW7 2EU PART 1_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
- Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download