
Freedom of Information Request

FOI: Elected Member Training

Received: 13 December 2024

Please provide the following information:1.    The number of elected members within your authorityPlease provide the number of elected members within your authority and indicate the number of members affiliated to each political party represented within your council.2.    A list of training which elected members are required to complete.This should include any statutory training (required by law) and any mandatory training (required by your organisation) but not training which is optional for elected members.Please indicate where training is recurring and provide the compliance period associated with each recurring item.3.    Compliance rates for each training item.The number of elected members who are currently complaint in each item of training.For recurring training, please only include those members whose most recent completion of each training item is within that training's compliance training.Personal data:As I am sure you are aware, your response should not contain any personal data, including names or contact details for elected members.Where providing the breakdown of information listed above might indirectly identify a specific individual (for example, where a single elected member is affiliated to a specific political party within your council), please do not provide a breakdown, instead please provide overall compliance figures for each required item of training.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download