
Freedom of Information Request

Ballymore/TFL's planning application 24/2686/OUT, including the proposed development of Deansbrook Nature Reserve

Received: 10 January 2025

Please consider this a Freedom of Information request.As you will be aware, the proposals to redevelop Edgware Town Centre include the Deansbrook Nature Reserve which is a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation.We have consulted with Natural England and they have told us that development on land that is important for nature conservation (including where protected species such as bats and slow worms, both of which are to be found on this site) requires the Local Authority, in considering any such development proposal, to first obtain an ecological report from an independent ecological specialist. Also environmental specialist advice determining the impact.Could you tell us please *Have such ecological and environmental reports been requested? If so could we see please the brief given to the specialist as to the report required, and if such a report has indeed been received, could we see a copy please?*If this report has not yet been sought, but it is the Council's intention to progress this, could we have an idea of the time-scale please?*If in fact there is no plan to seek such a report, could we request an explanation of the reasoning behind this.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download