Council Tax
Received: 20 January 2025
I would like to formally submit the following Freedom of Information request:1.Provide copies of all internal policies and procedures related to council tax collection, including:oPolicies on refiling direct debits that have returned unpaid.oPolicies explaining when the council decides not to refile direct debits.2.How many times has the council refiled a direct debit after it initially failed in the past three years?3.Detail the decision-making process for escalating council tax arrears cases to enforcement action.4.How many complaints has the council received about the clarity of communication sent to customers, particularly regarding contradictory or unclear letters?5.Provide a breakdown of fees charged by enforcement agents and the proportion of these fees retained by the council.6.How much revenue has been collected via enforcement actions in the past three years, and what proportion of this came from enforcement fees?7.Provide a list of enforcement agencies used by the council and copies of contracts or agreements with them.8.What is the nature of the relationship between Capita and Equita?9.What steps are taken to verify the vulnerability status of individuals before proceeding with enforcement action?10.How many disputes regarding council tax enforcement have been raised with the council in the past three years?11.Given that in this day and age, everything is done online, how many complaints have been received regarding the very user-unfriendly nature of the Barnet Council tax website? What specific steps are being taken to address these complaints and improve the user experience?Please confirm receipt of this request and ensure that it is processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I look forward to receiving your acknowledgment and a detailed response within the statutory 20-working-day period.
Outcome / Documents
- Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download