
Freedom of Information Request

Fraudulent school admission applications

Received: 24 January 2025

1. Does the council have a system/procedures for detecting fraudulent school admission applications? If so, please provide details of what these are. Please include if any new procedures have been introduced in the past few years. 2. How many applications have you investigated on suspicion of being fraudulent in the past three academic years? (2023-24 / 2022-23 / 2021-22) 3. How many of these applications were found to be fraudulent?Please break this figure down by primary/secondary schools, if this is possible. 4. For the fraudulent applications, please include further details of what the offence was / which school the application was for / and what the outcome of the investigation was. (Please include as much details about the offences as is possible.) 5. Overall, how many fraudulent applications for each year werea) Not accepted?b) Resulted in a child being removed from school after application found to be fraudulent? 6. Please include the number of fraudulent applications that led to appeals by parents, and the number of appeals that won. 7. Did any of these offences result in prosecution? If so, please provide details.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download