
Freedom of Information Request

Organisational Structure and Temporary Accommodation

Received: 29 January 2025

I am requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please provide the following:1. Organisational Structure & Key ContactsPlease provide a current organisational chart of senior council staff members, including their name, job title, email address, and, optional, if available, their telephone number. In particular for the following positions:*Chief Executive (or equivalent)*Director/Head of Housing (or equivalent)*Director/Head of Adult Social Care (or equivalent)*Director/Head of Children's Services (or equivalent)*Lead officer for Temporary Accommodation (or equivalent)2. Temporary Accommodation*Number of households currently in temporary accommodation*Number of new placements in the last 12 months (Jan to Dec 2024)*Average length of stay in temporary accommodation*Number of households currently waiting for temporary accommodation*Are they mostly single, couple or family households?3. Temporary Accommodation CostsTotal cost to the council for temporary accommodation in the last 12 months (Jan to Dec 2024)Current daily housing rates paid for temporary accommodationBreakdown of accommodation types used (e.g., hotels, private rentals, council-owned) and their costs, if available (percentages are ok too)4. Out-of-Borough Temporary AccommodationDoes the council have a policy on placing temporary accommodation households outside the borough?How many temporary accommodation households are currently placed outside the borough?The furthest location where a temporary accommodation household has been placed in the last 12 months (Jan to Dec 2024)Total cost of out-of-borough temporary accommodation in the last 12 months (Jan to Dec 2024)If any of this information is already publicly available, please provide the relevant links.If any information is not available, please provide the remaining information. Feel free to contact me if you need any clarification.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (information exempt) - application/pdf - Download