
Freedom of Information Request

Fair Access Protocol

Received: 3 February 2025

I am writing to formally request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, concerning Barnet Local Authority's use and implementation of the Fair Access Protocol in relation to school admissions.Specifically, I request the following information:1. A copy of the current Fair Access Protocol adopted by Barnet Local Authority, including any amendments or revisions made since its last review.2. Where the Fair Access Protocol is situated on the Barnet Local Offer site.3. Who is responsible for the implementation of the Fair Access Protocol in Barnet?4. Who is in attendance at Fair Access Panels?5. How often does the Fair Access Panel meet?6. What is the criteria for a child to be referred to the Fair Access Panel?7. On the date of this request, how many children are currently awaiting placement through the Fair Access Protocol?8. A summary of the procedures followed by Barnet Local Authority when a child is referred to the Fair Access Panel9. How many children have been referred to the Fair Access Panel in the past two academic years?10. Of the children who have been referred to the Fair Access Panel, a breakdown of the setting types that each child was subsequently placed in, over the past two academic years.11. The average time taken to place a child in a suitable school placement, following a Fair Access Protocol referral, over the past two academic years.12. In the current academic year, what is the average time taken between an initial referral under the Fair Access Protocol, to the Fair Access Panel meeting at which such a referral is discussed?13. The number of children who currently have an Education, Health and Care Plan within the Barnet Local Authority area.14. In each primary school within Barnet Local Authority, what percentage of children currently hold an Education, Health and Care Plan?15. How many children with EHCPs were placed in each Barnet primary school over the past two years under the Fair Access policy?

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download