
Freedom of Information Request

Section 21 eviction policy

Received: 6 February 2025

I am requesting the following information regarding the council's handling of Section 21 evictions under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:1) Copies of any training materials or internal guidance given to staff regarding tenants facing a Section 21 eviction (no-fault eviction).2) Any documents, emails, or communications instructing housing officers to advise tenants to remain in their property after they've been served a section 21 eviction, until formal eviction by bailiffs.3) Any policies on whether leaving after a section 21 eviction but before formal eviction by bailiffs makes tenants ineligible for rehousing by the council.4) The longest period a tenant served a section 21 eviction has been waiting for rehousing by the council.Please confirm receipt of this email.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download