
Our action plan for a sustainable borough

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Join us on our journey to become one of London’s most sustainable boroughs.

Creating a net zero carbon council

About our commitment to sustainability

We have developed a sustainability action plan that delivers on our ambitions to:

  • become one of London’s most sustainable boroughs
  • reduce carbon emissions across Barnet
  • work in partnership with residents, communities and businesses in achieving our goals

As well as reducing the emissions of the borough by 2042, we have committed to becoming a net zero council by 2030.

We are focusing on nine key themes, each with a set of objectives, to drive this change. Each one represents a crucial part of our collective efforts as an organisation and borough:


In this theme we are committed to:

  • retrofitting Barnet’s social housing to increase energy efficiency, aiming to an average of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) B rating by 2030
  • supporting residents to improve the energy efficiency of homes in the private sector; we will do this through signposting towards impartial information and Government grants, that will support residents to retrofit their homes and reduce energy bills, whilst supporting those at risk of fuel poverty who are struggling to manage high energy costs
  • retrofitting council-owned corporate buildings to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030
  • ensuring that our Local Plan, accompanying planning policies, and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) comply with the London Plan’s policies on low carbon development and climate resilient standards. We will review our policies as appropriate to ensure that the Council enables net zero and sustainable housing and infrastructure development to the highest possible standards
  • ensuring that all new housing and infrastructure developments commissioned by the council, in partnership with developers, from 2025 onwards will have net zero carbon emissions
  • engaging with partners, industry experts and the local supply chain to drive sustainable practices in the built environment

In this theme we are committed to:

  • developing a Local Area Energy Plan, which will help us to improve the understanding of how energy demand supply will change across Barnet over time, as well as identifying areas across the borough where there are opportunities to decarbonise the energy network
  • exploring opportunities to increase coverage of solar panels across council owned buildings
  • supporting the installation of solar panels by residents and businesses in privately-owned buildings through grants, advice, and signposting
  • transitioning the council to a renewable energy supplier

In this theme we are committed to:

  • enabling and promoting the uptake of active travel, where appropriate, by improving the walking and cycling infrastructure across the borough
  • delivering the School Streets scheme to reduce congestion around schools in the borough, creating a safe area for young people to take more active routes to school
  • working with Transport for London and other partners to improve orbital public transport connections, that connect Barnet to the rest of London through projects such as the West London Orbital and Superloop
  • encouraging sustainable travel including low and zero emission vehicles and increasing  
  • developing, implementing, and supporting strategies which contribute to the reduction of air pollution in the borough, including the delivery of the Air Quality Action Plan 2023-28 as well as supporting schemes such as the expansion of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ)

In this theme we are committed to:

  • improving the biodiversity associated with private housing and new developments. This includes replacing the biodiversity which may be lost through construction, as well as prioritising green spaces in new developments
  • committing to using peat free compost, as peat stores carbon and the use of peat compost releases this stored carbon into the atmosphere
  • improving water and flood risk management through policies and infrastructure
  • increasing tree cover through planting programmes. Trees have several environmental benefits including storing carbon, absorbing pollution, and lowering flood risk by intercepting water
  • having declared a biodiversity emergency, increase understanding of existing biodiversity and ecosystems across the borough through improved monitoring and data collection to direct further action

In this theme we are committed to:

  • reducing the quantity of household waste, as well as reintroducing food waste collection across the borough
  • reducing the quantity of waste produced by commercial business by encouraging and supporting businesses to recycle. Transitioning the council's fleet, of which, the majority are waste collection vehicles, to a sustainably fuelled fleet of vehicles by 2030 (where technology allows)
  • educating and supporting residents on good recycling practice, through a continued communications campaign. To deliver this objective we will collaborate with the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) to develop and deliver communication and engagement activities, including working with schools.

In this theme we are committed to:

  • identifying potential new green jobs in the borough, as well as identifying what skills will be needed in the future to deliver these roles. Working with local businesses to understand how sustainability can be integrated into current and future business practices. The council will aim to support businesses through signposting them to funding sources, assisting with recruitment, and locating workspaces
  • increasing training in green skills in partnership with Middlesex UniversityBarnet and Southgate College, the West London Alliance (WLA) and the Mayor's Academy Hub. We will communicate information about green jobs and skills through school engagement and careers advice
  • increasing the number of green jobs in the borough in partnership with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and The Skills Centre in construction and other sectors
  • exploring incentives to support and recognise businesses that comply with good sustainability practices
  • opening discussions and dialogue about introducing zero-carbon deliveries with local businesses
  • supporting the delivery of a Library of Things, a community-based initiative that lets residents rent useful objects, saving residents money and reducing the need to buy items that may go unused in the long term

 In this theme we are committed to

  • continuing to follow up the residents' recommendations, by delivering and implementing ideas with participants and other residents across the borough Ensuring Barnet's approach to sustainability is inclusive and meeting the needs of the community, through continued consultations.
  • keeping the community engaged through the BarNET ZERO campaign, which looks to keep residents informed of the council's actions working towards our sustainability ambitions and provide support and guidance on how they can also be involved
  • engaging residents and community groups to work in partnership with the council through the provision of funding for sustainable community projects, and by signposting to information and grant opportunities where available
  • exploring innovation through academic research partners and collaboration with others across the sector
  • working with schools and Barnet Education and Learning Service (BELS) to support education settings to embed sustainability
  • working with Faith groups and community leaders to support residents to embed sustainability

 In this theme we are committed to supporting our internal teams and suppliers by:

  • educating all council employees about the council's wider sustainability objectives through training modules and other communication methods
  • evaluating council carbon emissions from staff commuting and business-related travel, to understand how best to reduce these emissions
  • aiming to reduce waste generated from council buildings and increasing council building recycling rates
  • evaluating council carbon emissions from our supply chain and take steps to reduce these emissions

 In this theme we are committed to:

  • refocusing the council's investments to consider more sustainable funds that will grow the council’s finances in a way that also invests in long-term social and environmental value
  • developing our sustainability aims and commitments, we have considered the differing impacts of sustainability on different people and groups in Barnet, to ensure that the programme delivers fair and sustainable outcomes for everyone in Barnet.