Parking and traffic enforcement
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CCTV traffic enforcement
We use CCTV cameras to enforce moving traffic contraventions (MTCs) and at school keep clear markings to enforce vehicles stopping outside schools in Barnet
Challenge a parking fine (PCN)
If you think you have been fined unfairly you can challenge a PCN (Penalty Charge Notice). Find out how to appeal a decision and what happens next.
Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ)
Parking controls are applied to every street in a controlled parking zone (CPZ). You’ll see signs showing you’re entering or leaving a CPZ and the waiting restrictions times that apply
If you can’t find your vehicle on the street
What to do if your car has been moved or taken to a car pound
Parking permits
A list of our car parks, tariffs and how to pay
Parking restrictions
Where you cannot park in Barnet and how the law is enforced
Report illegal parking
How to report illegally parked vehicles
Body worn video
How and why we use video devices in traffic enforcement
Parking Services - NSL Contract
Barnet entered into a new contract with NSL Ltd on 1 November 2018 to deliver its parking enforcement and related services