Biodiversity in Barnet
Join us on our journey to become one of London’s most sustainable boroughs.
In Barnet, we're committed to making a positive impact on our local wildlife and green spaces, ensuring a thriving natural environment for generations to come.
Here’s how we're working to improve biodiversity in our borough:
Mowing our green spaces less
Mowing less results in havens for wildlife and increases biodiversity, so we are reducing the number of times we mow our green spaces.
We have participated in No Mow May for some years. In 2024, 19 parks and open spaces and 12 other sites were part of the programme. Increasing by 5 sites on the previous year. We plan on adding more next year.
We are also trialling mowing less for larger sites. We are using grass cutting methods like "cut and lift" and trialling grass seed mixes.
Peat free composting
At Barnet we are committed to using peat free compost; peat stores carbon and the use of peat compost releases this stored carbon into the atmosphere. By using peat free compost we are contributing to the preservation of peatlands, or “bog habitats”, which are home to many rare plants, insects and birds
Our Local Nature Recovery Plan
We are developing our Local Nature Recovery Plan, which will include our biodiversity priorities. It will align with London’s Local Nature Recovery Strategy
We have been surveying our sites and preparing a biodiversity baseline. Allowing us to measure improvements in biodiversity over time.
We are currently reviewing our Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) to make sure our maps are current.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
Biodiversity Net Gain is:
“An approach to development, and / or land management, that aims to leave the natural environment in a better state than it was beforehand”.
The Environment Act 2021 made BNG mandatory for most sites with a few exemptions, as of 2 April 2024.
We are measuring, monitoring and valuing our habitat types including grassland and woodland. This helps developers to offset any net loss that may occur from their project, and results in a net gain for biodiversity across our borough.
Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation will play an important role in targeting BNG offsetting within the borough.
You can learn more about BNG in Barnet in the following planning documents: