Making every contact count
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Interactive eLearning now available
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is about how to make the most of each opportunity to help people improve their health and wellbeing.
We are encouraging frontline staff and volunteers to find time in their conversations with Barnet residents to help them think about and resolve things that could affect their health and wellbeing. These may include job worries, concerns about housing and health-related issues.
Frontline staff include people like housing officers, employment advisors, social care and healthcare staff and volunteers from many of Barnet's voluntary and community sector organisations.
The national MECC eLearning training is freely available to support people develop an understanding of public health and the factors that impact on a person's health and wellbeing.
National MECC eLearning programme
We have also developed factsheets which are helpful for:
- staff/volunteers who have undergone the training
- staff/volunteers who have not participated in the training, but who work in frontline roles and are in a position to share the key messages and signposting information with residents
- residents who would like to know more about the topics and find out about what services are available in Barnet
These factsheets are available for download, to print and to share.
Health protection
This set of factsheets provide information and advice on what we can do to protect individuals, groups and populations from infectious disease, incidents and outbreaks.
Health behaviours
This set of factsheets covers some of the health behaviours or actions we take that affect our health. They include actions that lead to improved health, such as eating well and being physically active, and actions that increase one's risk of disease, such as smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and risky sexual behaviour.
Mental health and dementia
This group of factsheets offers support and advice on how to manage or improve our mental health and wellbeing at different stages of life.
Wider determinants of health
This set of factsheets seek to provide support and advice to address some of the wider determinants of health, also known as social determinants. These are a diverse range of social, economic and environmental factors which impact on people’s health, such as problems with housing, money trouble and unemployment.
If you would like to provide feedback about the MECC factsheets, national eLearning or to collaborate with us on developing more factsheets, please contact: